
Fitness Bootcamp

Our fitness boot camp classes focus on motivation rather than intimidation and are targeted towards all ages and fitness levels. Our classes mix traditional calisthenic and body weight exercises with interval training and strength training. While there are a variety of styles of fitness boot camps, Our Bootcamp classes are adaptive to all levels and are design in a way that pushes the participants harder than they’d push themselves while limiting possibilities of injuries. Our boot camp classes are done indoors, with quick outside runs in between sets.

Our boot camp classes meet twice a week. You start with a quick run outside, then perform some push-ups and various forms of plyometric and interval training with little rest between exercises.  Each exercise has alternatives for those with injuries or mobility issues, just ask the instructor. While boot camp classes aren’t for every person who enjoys exercise, but with the right instructor, these fitness classes get fast results and create a supportive and motivational community of like-minded people.

A Typical Fitness Boot Camp
Our boot camp classes vary based on class attendance, and fitness level, but offers all or most of the following:

  • A small group environment (six to ten people).
  • Great studio space with the proper equipment
  • Each session starts with a 5-10-minute warm-up.
  • Workout – The 30-40 minute workout will typically include:
    • push ups
    • plyometric
    • Interval training
    • Squats
    • Lunges
    • Squat thrusts or burpees
    • Speed training with sprints
    • Core strength
    • Cool down and stretching.

The session will end with some gentle stretching and possibly some education and homework.

Our goal with boot camp fitness class is creating a spirit of teamwork and group support and cohesion.

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